Technology Tracking System - Checkout Instructions
Technology Tracking System - Checkout Instructions
Purpose of this Document
This document provides instructions on returning JPS assets in the Technology Tracking System.
Distributing Devices
The guardian must fill out and sign the Device Loan Agreement before continuing. At the end of this process, the guardian will be issued:
1. One of the following:
o One Chromebook or Laptop (model may vary) with a JPS Asset Tag label applied
o One Verizon Hotspot
2. One AC Adapter
3. Instructions on Connecting to Home Internet and/or a hotspot
Laptops and Chromebooks have a label with a JP tag and a serial number.
Procedure for Distribution
1. On a computer connected to the JPS network, open a web browser and browse to The following page will appear:
2. Log in with your Gmail credentials.
3. Upon login, you will see this page:
4. Click on the Checkout tab. You will see this page:
5. Click on the pulldown next to School and choose the school from which you are distributing the asset. This selection only needs to be made once.
6. Select a Device Type.
7. Select the brand of the device being distributed. For Chromebooks and hotspots, there is only one choice and the brand will be automatically selected. For laptop, the choices are Dell, Lenovo, etc.
8. If distributing a Chromebook or laptop, find the JP Asset Tag. The top tag is the JP tag, and the bottom (DST) is the serial number. If the label with the DST (Serial Number) and JP tag is not present or visual do not distribute the device.
9. If distributing a hotspot, find the IMEI number; this will be the serial number.
10. Click on the DST (Serial Number) field. Enter the DST/Serial Number or use a scanner to scan the barcode.
Entering a DST/Serial Number will automatically fill in the matching JP Tag number for
Chromebooks assigned to the school if the JP Tag number is available in the system. Laptop JP Tags must be entered or scanned. The reverse works as well for Chromebooks - If you enter or scan a JP Tag number that is already in the system, it will automatically fill out the DST (Serial Number) field.
If the JP Tag number does not automatically fill in when a DST/Serial Number is entered, but is available on the JP Asset Tag label, manually enter the JP Tag number in the field. If the JP Tag number is not available, leave the field blank and proceed.
11. After entering the DST/Serial Number, a pop-up alert will inform you if:
A. The device entered has already been checked out.
B. A Chromebook is being checked out but is not found in that school
12. It is important to thoroughly examine the equipment and document the condition and working order prior to distribution.
- Ensure that the Operating system boots successfully.
- Ensure that Wi-fi is turned on and that the Chromebook connects to the JPS wireless successfully.
- Check the physical condition of both the Chromebook and the power adapter.
- Look for case cracks, missing keys, etc. If these conditions exist prior to distribution, it must be documented in the Additional Condition Comments section, as shown below.
- Assess the overall condition of the Chromebook (New or Like New, Good or Fair) and select this from the Condition pulldown, as shown below.
13. Enter the Student ID field. The student must be registered at the selected school or an error will occur. The Student ID entered must have seven digits. If the student’s ID is less than 7-digits, the zeros will be automatically prepended.
Entering a student ID will auto-fill the Student Name and Student Username fields. Student ID numbers can be found on MSUtilities. Printing the entire student list will make the distribution process easier.
14. Guardian information must be manually entered. The guardian email must match a valid email structure.
15. The phone number must be 10 digits, starting with the area code.
16. A physical address can be entered.
17. The student MUST sign onto the device using his/her username and password.
18. Once the student signs on, click Yes to the question at the bottom.
19. When all the information has been entered and double-checked, click on the Checkout button at the bottom of the screen.
You can click the Reset button to clear out the information to cancel the distribution.
20. Issue the guardian the following:
- The device checked out
- One AC Adapter
- Instructions on connecting to home internet and/or hotspot